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Showing posts from May, 2018

The Recruitment of Maltese Translators at the EU - Part 1

When Malta joined the EU in 2004, the institutions of the European Union were not able to recruit enough Maltese translators to cover the demand. The Maltese sitting for the so-called concours simply weren't good enough. Putting the discussion about the need of translating all documents into Maltese aside, the Maltese Government secured a derogation, and not all documents needed to be translated between 2004 and 2007. However, all existing EU legislation had to be somehow, eventually, translated into Maltese, and this led to the establishment of translation agencies in Malta. Additionally, every dimwit who wanted to receive some good cash was given the opportunity to move abroad (Luxembourg and Brussels) to help with the high workload. These individuals would be given a temporary contract, and would continue to be employed by the EU even they failed the EPSO competition. For many years this was the common practice at the Maltese-language units of the institutions (e.g. Europe...

Joseph Muscat: il-Ġenju Politiku

Joseph Muscat illum għandu l-istatus ta' eroj, kif kien igawdi minnu Dominku Mintoff sa mewtu. Joseph Muscat kien kapaċi jħoss il-polz tal-poplu u fid-dawl ta' oppożizzjoni ineżistenti kapaċi jġib 66% tal-voti li kieku elezzjoni kellha ssir illum. Iżda Joseph Muscat mhuwiex dak il-bniedem ta' qalbu tajba li ser jara kif jagħmel biex jgħinnek. JM jaħseb biss fih innifsu u f'familtu. Wieħed għandu jiftakar kif kien jikteb artiklu wara l-ieħor kontra s-sħubija ta' Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropea. X'ġara meta Malta tassew issieħbet fl-Unjoni? Joey ta' Burmarrad dlonk mar jaqla' paga papali Brussell. Jekk wieħed jaf kif inhu kkostitwit il-Parlament Ewropew, dlonk ikun jaf li huwa magħmul minn bosta partiti. Fosthom hemm partiti li huma għalkollox kontra l-istruttura preżenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea fl-intier tagħha. Allura JM għalfejn ma sseħibx mar-Reformisti fil-Parlament, la kien daqshekk kontra l-Unjoni? Le, Joseph issieħeb mas-Soċjalisti Skwallidi li huma kunten...